Assessments | Cognition

The Mobile Toolbox Tests cover a variety of areas in cognition. The suite of tests will continue to grow to include select measures from the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS ®), and tests from other measurement systems including the NIH Toolbox® Emotion Domain, the International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR), and the Cognitive Neuroscience Test Reliability and Clinical applications for Schizophrenia (CNTRACs).



This task assesses the ability to spell words administered in a computer-adaptive test format. Respondents listen to audio clips and, using the keyboard, enter the corresponding letters to spell the word, completing a maximum of 30 items.

4 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Associative Memory

Faces and Names with Delay

This is a two-part test that targets associative memory function.  Respondents are first presented with an encoding task and then prompted to recall a series of face-name associations after a 5- to 20-minute delay.  

6 min
Validation and Norming in progress


Word Meaning

This is a computer adaptive test that measures general vocabulary knowledge. Respondents select the word that most closely matches the meaning of a target word, completing a maximum of 25 items. 

2 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Attention, Executive Function

Arrow Matching

This measure targets inhibitory control and attention. This measure requires respondents to indicate the left-right orientation of a centrally presented stimulus while inhibiting attention to potentially incongruent stimuli that surround it.

3 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Episodic Memory

Arranging Pictures

This measure examines episodic memory. A series of images is presented in a specific order on the screen. Following this presentation, the images are scrambled, and the respondent is asked to recall the original order and place the images accordingly. 

5 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Working Memory


This is a measure of working memory. It requires a participant to remember a string of letters and numbers and manipulate them to put them in alphabetical and numeric order.  

5 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Executive Function

Shape-Color Sorting

This measure targets cognitive flexibility. Images are presented that vary along two dimensions (color and shape) and respondents are asked to sort images based on one of the dimensions.

3 min
Validation and Norming in progress

Processing Speed

Number-Symbol Match

This measure assesses processing speed. Respondents are asked to match numbers with specific symbols using a digit/symbol key.  They are given 90 seconds to correctly match as many number-symbol pairs as they can. 

2 min
Validation and Norming in progress